2 Part Epoxy Ink Mixing Instructions

2 Part Epoxy Ink Mixing Instructions


Allow the catalyzed ink mixture to stand for a period of about 30 to 45 minutes.

2 Part Epoxy Ink Preparation:

Add 1 part Catalyst to 5 parts Epoxy ink by weight.

Allow the catalyzed ink mixture to stand for a period of about 30 to 45 minutes. This time lag, referred to as the “induction period,” is necessary to allow the catalyst to become uniformly mixed and available for the polymerization (cross linking) process. Pot life of the catalyzed Epoxy ink is approximately 6 to 8 hours. Add only enough ink to the screen to be able to print for 5-10 minutes. Add additional ink in small increments throughout the print run to maintain screen stability. Thoroughly mix the inks prior to printing.

Maintain ink temperature at 65

°-90°F (18°-32°C) for optimum print drying performance.

Lower temperatures increase the ink viscosity, impairing both flow and drying. Elevated temperatures lower the ink viscosity, reducing print definition, film thickness and opacity.

Pretest to determine optimum printing performance for a particular set of ink, substrate, screen, press, and drying variables/conditions.

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