6459 One-Part Epoxy Industrial Ink, Gallon

6459 One-Part Epoxy Industrial Ink, Gallon


6459 1 Part Epoxy Industrial Ink

#6459 is a one part epoxy ink but does not meet Government Specification A-A-56032. It does resist most solvents and de-greasers and is made with a true epoxy resin.

This ink does meet General Dynamics specification 5-79055, B.

6459 1 Part Epoxy Industrial Ink

#6459 is a one part epoxy ink but does not meet Government Specification A-A-56032. It does resist most solvents and de-greasers and is made with a true epoxy resin.

This ink does meet General Dynamics specification 5-79055, B.

Dry time: 10 seconds to the touch. Becomes permanent within 4 hours.

Colors available: Black, white.

Characteristics; is a one-part epoxy ink, but this ink DOES NOT meet MIL SPEC MIL-I-43553. It does resist most solvents and degreasers and is made with true epoxy resin.

Surfaces; Metal, Plastic, all non-porous surfaces.

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